all postcodes in LL20 / LLANGOLLEN

find any address or company within the LL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL20 7TW 14 0 52.975826 -3.088051
LL20 7TY 2 1 52.972331 -3.086458
LL20 7UA 32 0 52.973345 -3.088033
LL20 7UB 49 0 52.974147 -3.090734
LL20 7UD 50 1 52.973194 -3.090844
LL20 7UE 20 0 52.973724 -3.090783
LL20 7UF 17 0 52.972665 -3.088671
LL20 7UH 11 0 52.97513 -3.138027
LL20 7UL 4 1 52.971702 -3.116926
LL20 7UN 12 0 52.966066 -3.109722
LL20 7TX 40 0 52.97514 -3.09615
LL20 7UP 12 0 52.97446 -3.106468
LL20 7US 5 0 52.975376 -3.101785
LL20 7UT 18 0 52.975757 -3.101453
LL20 7UU 3 0 52.974908 -3.099568
LL20 7UW 1 1 52.968543 -3.118185
LL20 7UY 30 1 52.978224 -3.107756
LL20 7YA 4 0 52.978718 -3.109719
LL20 7YB 6 0 52.979589 -3.110844
LL20 7YD 2 0 52.980686 -3.111362