all postcodes in LL20 / LLANGOLLEN

find any address or company within the LL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL20 7SS 4 0 52.962616 -3.085545
LL20 7ST 8 0 52.96274 -3.084804
LL20 7SU 7 1 52.963185 -3.087227
LL20 7SW 11 0 52.96241 -3.086433
LL20 7SY 6 0 52.961508 -3.085786
LL20 7TA 1 0 52.971884 -3.097913
LL20 7TB 19 0 52.973946 -3.095971
LL20 7TD 5 0 52.973184 -3.096741
LL20 7TE 4 0 52.973511 -3.096436
LL20 7TF 13 1 52.974759 -3.093653
LL20 7TG 8 2 52.973402 -3.097103
LL20 7UR 38 0 52.975893 -3.10226
LL20 7TJ 14 0 52.974741 -3.089677
LL20 7TL 7 0 52.97625 -3.090846
LL20 7TN 21 0 52.976328 -3.088197
LL20 7TP 20 1 52.974456 -3.087436
LL20 7TQ 12 0 52.974805 -3.088606
LL20 7TR 4 1 52.973871 -3.087196
LL20 7TT 3 2 52.973339 -3.086394
LL20 7TU 24 0 52.975518 -3.087388