all postcodes in LL20 / LLANGOLLEN

find any address or company within the LL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL20 8EB 5 0 52.98304 -3.176353
LL20 8ED 10 0 52.988078 -3.167715
LL20 8EE 12 1 52.983874 -3.184673
LL20 8EF 32 0 52.979803 -3.178812
LL20 8EG 25 1 52.975229 -3.131402
LL20 8EH 22 0 53.011636 -3.164476
LL20 8EL 6 0 53.002308 -3.18324
LL20 8EN 53 0 52.965809 -3.167532
LL20 8EP 18 1 52.968699 -3.172003
LL20 8ET 4 3 52.968831 -3.170204
LL20 8EU 28 1 52.968184 -3.168281
LL20 8EY 6 0 52.968171 -3.167238
LL20 8HA 3 0 52.96802 -3.168544
LL20 8HB 3 0 52.968059 -3.167667
LL20 8HD 4 0 52.967767 -3.167123
LL20 8HE 4 0 52.967685 -3.168193
LL20 8HF 15 1 52.967554 -3.169276
LL20 8HG 7 0 52.967399 -3.17222
LL20 8HH 20 1 52.968306 -3.172662
LL20 8HL 8 2 52.968919 -3.168852