all postcodes in LL20 / LLANGOLLEN

find any address or company within the LL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL20 8PF 18 8 52.970112 -3.169107
LL20 8PG 1 1 52.970582 -3.169775
LL20 8PL 1 1 52.969739 -3.168636
LL20 8PN 6 4 52.970732 -3.170628
LL20 8PP 5 0 52.970021 -3.17107
LL20 8PR 2 0 52.969846 -3.171155
LL20 8PS 29 7 52.969801 -3.171511
LL20 8RE 9 0 52.969614 -3.172787
LL20 8PT 6 1 52.969873 -3.173017
LL20 8PU 4 0 52.96972 -3.172983
LL20 8PW 5 4 52.970507 -3.170994
LL20 8PY 4 0 52.969753 -3.173639
LL20 8RA 5 1 52.969857 -3.174595
LL20 8RB 3 2 52.96989 -3.171543
LL20 8RD 34 2 52.970029 -3.173006
LL20 8RF 14 0 52.969432 -3.173005
LL20 8RG 16 1 52.969646 -3.173532
LL20 8RH 6 0 52.968798 -3.173807
LL20 8RJ 21 0 52.971036 -3.167524
LL20 8RN 3 0 52.969683 -3.174069