all postcodes in LL22 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL22 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL22 9DW 8 0 53.252691 -3.491093
LL22 9DY 13 1 53.23971 -3.552861
LL22 9EA 3 0 53.240034 -3.53913
LL22 9EB 5 0 53.241635 -3.518057
LL22 9ED 3 0 53.245725 -3.503741
LL22 9EL 1 1 53.305242 -3.533777
LL22 9EN 13 10 53.303547 -3.537588
LL22 9EP 12 5 53.302519 -3.540026
LL22 9ER 10 2 53.301847 -3.541864
LL22 9ES 7 3 53.300188 -3.547115
LL22 9EW 1 1 53.303406 -3.538167
LL22 9EY 1 1 53.299504 -3.556874
LL22 9HA 1 1 53.29867 -3.56154
LL22 9HB 3 3 53.302129 -3.538828
LL22 9HD 7 4 53.301782 -3.540646
LL22 9HE 7 3 53.300958 -3.542506
LL22 9HF 6 0 53.300106 -3.544428
LL22 9HG 1 1 53.298988 -3.552999
LL22 9HH 1 0 53.306422 -3.536401
LL22 9HL 2 0 53.305733 -3.536106