all postcodes in LL22 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL22 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL22 9HN 21 0 53.303346 -3.540673
LL22 9HP 4 0 53.30348 -3.547714
LL22 9HQ 7 0 53.302647 -3.538411
LL22 9HR 5 1 53.300501 -3.550773
LL22 9HS 1 1 53.303223 -3.550886
LL22 9HT 12 0 53.303693 -3.545155
LL22 9HU 1 1 53.301187 -3.554596
LL22 9HW 1 1 53.304017 -3.541582
LL22 9HY 1 1 53.302281 -3.548631
LL22 9JA 32 0 53.302548 -3.54261
LL22 9LA 12 2 53.304468 -3.546326
LL22 9LB 34 11 53.303349 -3.541813
LL22 9LD 4 1 53.304361 -3.544264
LL22 9LE 15 0 53.29779 -3.532323
LL22 9LF 79 0 53.297672 -3.540842
LL22 9LG 25 0 53.294919 -3.541673
LL22 9LH 21 0 53.29752 -3.542127
LL22 9LJ 9 0 53.295503 -3.542399
LL22 9LL 29 2 53.299959 -3.542635
LL22 9LN 4 0 53.300135 -3.538769