all postcodes in LL35 / ABERDOVEY

find any address or company within the LL35 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL35 0LS 4 0 52.545159 -4.0388
LL35 0LT 17 1 52.545094 -4.037461
LL35 0LU 7 0 52.545872 -4.035638
LL35 0LW 11 0 52.544601 -4.04052
LL35 0LY 3 0 52.545895 -4.034828
LL35 0NA 7 0 52.546155 -4.036463
LL35 0NB 17 0 52.546304 -4.035644
LL35 0ND 3 1 52.54496 -4.040973
LL35 0NF 4 0 52.545067 -4.041524
LL35 0NG 7 0 52.544971 -4.042027
LL35 0NH 24 0 52.545465 -4.043112
LL35 0NL 1 0 52.545951 -4.044639
LL35 0NP 2 0 52.544548 -4.047148
LL35 0NQ 18 0 52.544244 -4.053349
LL35 0NR 20 3 52.544681 -4.051889
LL35 0NS 20 0 52.546118 -4.057271
LL35 0NT 8 0 52.545697 -4.054081
LL35 0NU 5 0 52.545361 -4.051189
LL35 0NY 7 0 52.54552 -4.05186
LL35 0PA 5 0 52.54608 -4.052727