all postcodes in LL35 / ABERDOVEY

find any address or company within the LL35 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL35 0DY 16 0 52.546229 -4.047764
LL35 0EA 30 3 52.544008 -4.047778
LL35 0EB 54 9 52.543786 -4.045962
LL35 0ED 2 0 52.543737 -4.045244
LL35 0EE 13 9 52.543871 -4.044778
LL35 0EF 16 3 52.544382 -4.043342
LL35 0EH 12 2 52.544419 -4.044317
LL35 0EL 14 2 52.544487 -4.045028
LL35 0EP 1 0 52.544279 -4.044576
LL35 0ER 6 0 52.54793 -4.046147
LL35 0ES 23 0 52.544487 -4.043996
LL35 0ET 5 0 52.544732 -4.044376
LL35 0EU 3 1 52.54412 -4.044436
LL35 0EW 1 1 52.544314 -4.044666
LL35 0EY 14 2 52.544084 -4.044935
LL35 0HA 35 0 52.544666 -4.045597
LL35 0HB 6 0 52.544354 -4.045449
LL35 0HD 8 0 52.544491 -4.045854
LL35 0HE 2 0 52.544726 -4.046198
LL35 0HF 9 0 52.545246 -4.045874