all postcodes in LL40 / DOLGELLAU

find any address or company within the LL40 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL40 1HR 20 0 52.742719 -3.882048
LL40 1HS 10 3 52.742663 -3.881415
LL40 1HU 40 0 52.741658 -3.882047
LL40 1HW 3 2 52.742529 -3.882461
LL40 1HY 1 1 52.741379 -3.879783
LL40 1LA 7 2 52.742627 -3.878785
LL40 1LB 14 0 52.739806 -3.897284
LL40 1LD 14 0 52.742061 -3.878012
LL40 1LF 61 0 52.740483 -3.878426
LL40 1LG 12 0 52.74262 -3.879762
LL40 1LH 1 1 52.743824 -3.88188
LL40 1LN 8 6 52.742082 -3.885138
LL40 1LP 1 1 52.741903 -3.884709
LL40 1LR 10 1 52.741442 -3.884852
LL40 1LS 4 0 52.741159 -3.885121
LL40 1LT 35 0 52.74098 -3.884521
LL40 1LU 3 0 52.740764 -3.885134
LL40 1LW 1 1 52.742552 -3.880663
LL40 1LY 41 1 52.741416 -3.885962
LL40 1NA 22 0 52.741067 -3.885858