all postcodes in LL40 / DOLGELLAU

find any address or company within the LL40 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL40 1PL 9 0 52.741227 -3.879184
LL40 1PN 6 0 52.740216 -3.881096
LL40 1PS 19 10 52.742582 -3.885397
LL40 1PT 5 0 52.740724 -3.891576
LL40 1PU 1 0 52.742848 -3.885772
LL40 1PW 26 0 52.73885 -3.881081
LL40 1PY 18 10 52.742541 -3.885862
LL40 1RD 6 2 52.742232 -3.885337
LL40 1RE 8 3 52.742104 -3.886229
LL40 1RF 5 1 52.741982 -3.885786
LL40 1RG 1 0 52.742156 -3.88632
LL40 1RH 17 1 52.741787 -3.886911
LL40 1RJ 2 1 52.741916 -3.887664
LL40 1RN 6 0 52.741775 -3.888792
LL40 1RP 3 0 52.74121 -3.88702
LL40 1RR 1 0 52.741231 -3.887939
LL40 1RS 2 0 52.741716 -3.887819
LL40 1RT 9 0 52.741683 -3.888359
LL40 1RU 7 0 52.741463 -3.889208
LL40 1RW 6 0 52.741554 -3.887435