all postcodes in LL45 / LLANBEDR

find any address or company within the LL45 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL45 2LL 5 0 52.817969 -4.100218
LL45 2LP 7 1 52.81597 -4.102452
LL45 2LR 2 0 52.819692 -4.10893
LL45 2LS 4 1 52.811475 -4.103437
LL45 2LT 3 0 52.811524 -4.096569
LL45 2LU 3 0 52.819297 -4.084076
LL45 2LW 2 0 52.817357 -4.101679
LL45 2LY 4 0 52.81861 -4.072482
LL45 2NA 4 0 52.811103 -4.077615
LL45 2NB 6 0 52.815725 -4.088847
LL45 2ND 4 0 52.817959 -4.098749
LL45 2NH 7 3 52.821145 -4.099585
LL45 2NL 7 1 52.824852 -4.098962
LL45 2NN 1 0 52.828676 -4.099717
LL45 2NP 1 1 52.824197 -4.076399
LL45 2NR 3 0 52.819944 -4.09687
LL45 2NS 7 1 52.820401 -4.095281
LL45 2NT 3 0 52.821617 -4.092721
LL45 2NU 2 0 52.820314 -4.092115
LL45 2NW 15 1 52.8215 -4.097316