all postcodes in LL45 / LLANBEDR

find any address or company within the LL45 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL45 2DJ 17 0 52.820036 -4.102856
LL45 2DQ 6 0 52.820011 -4.101207
LL45 2DX 1 0 52.81739 -4.107958
LL45 2DZ 7 0 52.81891 -4.108011
LL45 2EQ 3 0 52.822613 -4.113162
LL45 2EZ 1 1 52.818356 -4.118447
LL45 2HH 5 1 52.82094 -4.101564
LL45 2HL 31 0 52.822247 -4.102399
LL45 2HN 9 0 52.821086 -4.101422
LL45 2HP 3 1 52.830296 -4.110344
LL45 2HR 1 0 52.827326 -4.110541
LL45 2HS 18 0 52.831673 -4.105704
LL45 2HT 10 0 52.83491 -4.097998
LL45 2HU 1 1 52.830465 -4.0982
LL45 2HW 4 0 52.825918 -4.103229
LL45 2LD 6 4 52.820745 -4.100901
LL45 2LE 20 0 52.819652 -4.101048
LL45 2LF 45 0 52.819222 -4.099454
LL45 2LG 4 0 52.818239 -4.099712
LL45 2LH 5 1 52.818558 -4.097976