all postcodes in LL45 / LLANBEDR

find any address or company within the LL45 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
LL45 2NY7052.82248-4.088538
LL45 2PA26052.823983-4.083959
LL45 2PB3052.824548-4.077425
LL45 2PD9052.822166-4.097289
LL45 2PE5052.830627-4.066017
LL45 2PF4052.834918-4.069502
LL45 2PG2052.838217-4.083785
LL45 2PH7052.850925-4.045432
LL45 2PJ2152.818035-4.143794
LL45 2PL23052.817862-4.051387
LL45 2LA052.817564-4.100792
LL45 2PZ6052.818292-4.103336
LL45 2PX452.819174-4.120867