all postcodes in LL53 / PWLLHELI

find any address or company within the LL53 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL53 5EE 0 52.891436 -4.415946
LL53 5EF 0 52.890614 -4.417001
LL53 5EG 0 52.891141 -4.414979
LL53 5EH 0 52.891757 -4.413868
LL53 5EJ 0 52.892106 -4.413055
LL53 5EL 0 52.890973 -4.415698
LL53 5EP 0 52.890571 -4.416463
LL53 5ER 0 52.890814 -4.412017
LL53 5ES 0 52.89022 -4.412073
LL53 5EU 1 52.890167 -4.413349
LL53 5EW 0 52.891356 -4.41502
LL53 5GA 0 52.888672 -4.422705
LL53 5HA 10 52.887585 -4.419136
LL53 5HB 8 52.887571 -4.41805
LL53 5HD 4 52.888038 -4.418106
LL53 5HE 6 52.888279 -4.418164
LL53 5HG 6 52.887797 -4.417587
LL53 5HH 8 52.888553 -4.416217
LL53 5HN 0 52.888775 -4.415457
LL53 5HP 2 52.889197 -4.415034