all postcodes in LL53 / PWLLHELI

find any address or company within the LL53 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL53 5HR 0 52.88909 -4.414552
LL53 5HS 0 52.889212 -4.414292
LL53 5HT 0 52.889529 -4.414621
LL53 5HU 0 52.889549 -4.414087
LL53 5HW 0 52.887621 -4.422691
LL53 5HY 3 52.890414 -4.414002
LL53 5LA 0 52.890109 -4.413999
LL53 5LB 0 52.890015 -4.413727
LL53 5LD 0 52.891071 -4.413964
LL53 5LE 3 52.890957 -4.412976
LL53 5LF 1 52.891672 -4.41315
LL53 5LG 1 52.891734 -4.411429
LL53 5LH 1 52.891724 -4.411056
LL53 5LL 0 52.892122 -4.410499
LL53 5LN 0 52.892204 -4.409998
LL53 5LP 0 52.891886 -4.407483
LL53 5LR 0 52.891508 -4.409305
LL53 5LS 0 52.890948 -4.408977
LL53 5LT 0 52.890953 -4.410924
LL53 5LW 0 52.89212 -4.408804