all postcodes in LL54 / CAERNARFON

find any address or company within the LL54 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL54 7EN 5 0 53.082673 -4.260928
LL54 7ET 41 0 53.092506 -4.228681
LL54 7EU 5 1 53.091172 -4.230338
LL54 7EW 8 0 53.080913 -4.265091
LL54 7EY 7 2 53.092171 -4.231704
LL54 7HA 20 0 53.091847 -4.232225
LL54 7HB 3 0 53.09208 -4.234179
LL54 7HD 6 0 53.093164 -4.23434
LL54 7HE 14 0 53.094198 -4.232944
LL54 7HF 4 0 53.097784 -4.225781
LL54 7PA 5 0 53.091996 -4.240552
LL54 7HG 4 0 53.093907 -4.224939
LL54 7HH 10 0 53.090653 -4.226778
LL54 7HL 18 0 53.089949 -4.233202
LL54 7HN 6 0 53.089299 -4.232885
LL54 7HP 28 0 53.089141 -4.231204
LL54 7HR 18 0 53.088504 -4.232088
LL54 7HS 13 0 53.088589 -4.232833
LL54 7HT 6 0 53.088715 -4.233347
LL54 7HU 7 0 53.088836 -4.233563