all postcodes in LL54 / CAERNARFON

find any address or company within the LL54 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL54 7TP 2 0 53.075104 -4.274482
LL54 7TQ 28 0 53.07646 -4.27739
LL54 7TR 5 0 53.073249 -4.276094
LL54 7TS 6 0 53.072813 -4.276818
LL54 7TT 5 0 53.072268 -4.277073
LL54 7TU 11 0 53.072831 -4.271131
LL54 7TW 39 0 53.075563 -4.276366
LL54 7UD 4 0 53.073373 -4.270084
LL54 7TY 1 0 53.073256 -4.270063
LL54 7UA 5 0 53.072608 -4.270104
LL54 7UB 9 0 53.073866 -4.265885
LL54 7UE 6 1 53.067848 -4.275973
LL54 7UL 1 0 53.074281 -4.282285
LL54 7UF 5 0 53.080025 -4.290801
LL54 7UN 31 3 53.11408 -4.268882
LL54 7UP 10 0 53.112507 -4.267469
LL54 7UR 7 0 53.112948 -4.266969
LL54 7UT 15 0 53.112667 -4.266118
LL54 7UW 12 0 53.112711 -4.268556
LL54 7UY 2 0 53.099861 -4.275653