all postcodes in LL58 / BEAUMARIS

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL58 8HH 30 0 53.26373 -4.101868
LL58 8HL 1 1 53.264726 -4.102487
LL58 8HN 13 0 53.264798 -4.100946
LL58 8HP 2 0 53.265086 -4.096286
LL58 8HR 32 0 53.264262 -4.097696
LL58 8HU 8 2 53.276481 -4.101204
LL58 8HW 41 0 53.265053 -4.097165
LL58 8LB 7 0 53.277463 -4.091398
LL58 8LD 18 0 53.277453 -4.090902
LL58 8LE 10 0 53.277975 -4.090388
LL58 8LF 8 0 53.278195 -4.091148
LL58 8LG 28 1 53.278108 -4.092014
LL58 8LH 28 0 53.278395 -4.091008
LL58 8LL 1 0 53.2788 -4.096158
LL58 8LN 4 0 53.279485 -4.101641
LL58 8LP 7 0 53.279532 -4.094874
LL58 8LR 18 1 53.285448 -4.091818
LL58 8LS 49 0 53.290018 -4.089595
LL58 8LT 36 0 53.29098 -4.089102
LL58 8LU 6 1 53.291824 -4.089113