all postcodes in LL58 / BEAUMARIS

find any address or company within the LL58 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL58 8LW 1 0 53.284079 -4.106213
LL58 8LY 6 0 53.291276 -4.091142
LL58 8NA 28 0 53.292696 -4.089156
LL58 8NB 4 0 53.293373 -4.091024
LL58 8ND 17 0 53.294932 -4.095432
LL58 8NE 8 0 53.292677 -4.08815
LL58 8NF 8 0 53.293624 -4.088016
LL58 8NG 6 0 53.293974 -4.088018
LL58 8NH 3 0 53.294181 -4.089078
LL58 8NL 8 0 53.294585 -4.087552
LL58 8NN 18 0 53.295285 -4.087091
LL58 8NP 17 0 53.293999 -4.086609
LL58 8NR 19 0 53.295364 -4.089271
LL58 8NS 8 0 53.295127 -4.084803
LL58 8NT 4 0 53.296876 -4.086089
LL58 8NU 4 0 53.296069 -4.085449
LL58 8NW 38 2 53.292766 -4.087179
LL58 8NY 32 21 53.297776 -4.088579
LL58 8PA 1 0 53.2992 -4.096617
LL58 8PB 21 0 53.30418 -4.094069