all postcodes in LL58 / BEAUMARIS

find any address or company within the LL58 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL58 8ST 14 1 53.307197 -4.079897
LL58 8SU 8 0 53.30659 -4.083249
LL58 8SW 9 0 53.305054 -4.069242
LL58 8SY 10 0 53.306493 -4.089845
LL58 8TA 3 0 53.30843 -4.090149
LL58 8TB 4 0 53.310534 -4.093705
LL58 8TH 5 0 53.276999 -4.121179
LL58 8TL 4 0 53.278489 -4.115748
LL58 8TN 12 0 53.283682 -4.131111
LL58 8TP 31 0 53.288756 -4.140936
LL58 8TR 35 1 53.293854 -4.158867
LL58 8TS 23 0 53.291039 -4.137439
LL58 8TT 12 0 53.28954 -4.13934
LL58 8TU 23 0 53.292179 -4.139582
LL58 8TW 8 0 53.288343 -4.1394
LL58 8TX 7 0 53.291526 -4.138404
LL58 8TY 2 0 53.290394 -4.139327
LL58 8UA 12 0 53.294466 -4.13786
LL58 8UB 28 0 53.295014 -4.142945
LL58 8UD 2 0 53.295197 -4.139192