all postcodes in LL58 / BEAUMARIS

find any address or company within the LL58 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL58 8RN 54 2 53.293344 -4.07
LL58 8RP 3 0 53.310362 -4.040888
LL58 8RR 5 2 53.311178 -4.050969
LL58 8RS 1 0 53.296868 -4.069011
LL58 8RT 9 0 53.298891 -4.070039
LL58 8RU 9 0 53.297696 -4.071032
LL58 8RW 11 0 53.295351 -4.063686
LL58 8RY 15 0 53.295929 -4.080625
LL58 8SA 27 1 53.303864 -4.083327
LL58 8SB 29 0 53.297943 -4.079057
LL58 8SD 3 0 53.301374 -4.076163
LL58 8SE 2 0 53.303253 -4.08025
LL58 8SF 3 0 53.298586 -4.074632
LL58 8SG 2 0 53.299008 -4.073111
LL58 8SH 10 0 53.300091 -4.069302
LL58 8SL 17 0 53.300257 -4.067974
LL58 8SN 13 0 53.301149 -4.066862
LL58 8SP 11 0 53.306886 -4.067248
LL58 8SR 1 0 53.305773 -4.070327
LL58 8SS 6 0 53.306846 -4.074762