all postcodes in LL62 / BODORGAN

find any address or company within the LL62 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL62 5LS 10 0 53.181643 -4.434733
LL62 5LT 3 0 53.173429 -4.444219
LL62 5LU 7 0 53.195426 -4.430364
LL62 5LW 7 0 53.179945 -4.417919
LL62 5LY 2 0 53.198964 -4.42795
LL62 5NE 11 1 53.205433 -4.403367
LL62 5NF 10 0 53.205938 -4.402392
LL62 5NG 1 0 53.205393 -4.402221
LL62 5NH 12 3 53.206748 -4.401883
LL62 5NL 11 1 53.207044 -4.402837
LL62 5NN 2 0 53.207206 -4.401474
LL62 5NR 4 0 53.220843 -4.381918
LL62 5NS 5 0 53.22137 -4.388824
LL62 5NT 6 0 53.222059 -4.377282
LL62 5NU 8 0 53.218288 -4.377058
LL62 5NW 29 2 53.211431 -4.396139
LL62 5NY 2 0 53.218254 -4.373316
LL62 5PA 2 0 53.21323 -4.369594
LL62 5PB 5 0 53.214697 -4.366823
LL62 5PD 6 0 53.217012 -4.365243