all postcodes in LL62 / BODORGAN

find any address or company within the LL62 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL62 5PE 12 0 53.21711 -4.356681
LL62 5PF 1 0 53.222415 -4.35032
LL62 5PG 8 0 53.215861 -4.341588
LL62 5PH 4 0 53.206905 -4.401242
LL62 5PN 4 0 53.236809 -4.35576
LL62 5PP 9 0 53.234842 -4.350657
LL62 5PR 14 0 53.23523 -4.348805
LL62 5PS 10 0 53.236161 -4.348511
LL62 5RA 15 0 53.234815 -4.342923
LL62 5PT 11 0 53.240165 -4.338314
LL62 5PU 4 0 53.235083 -4.343912
LL62 5PW 8 0 53.237519 -4.353996
LL62 5PY 3 0 53.234687 -4.344389
LL62 5RB 10 0 53.230795 -4.334732
LL62 5RD 7 0 53.228967 -4.342184
LL62 5RE 1 0 53.225171 -4.346411
LL62 5RF 1 0 53.2318 -4.348093
LL62 5DQ 7 0 53.236549 -4.352564
LL62 5RG 5 0 53.23667 -4.345976