all postcodes in LL65 / HOLYHEAD

find any address or company within the LL65 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL65 4LN 0 53.389331 -4.526258
LL65 4LP 0 53.394514 -4.539607
LL65 4LR 0 53.400387 -4.544565
LL65 4LS 0 53.388744 -4.550438
LL65 4LT 0 53.380635 -4.547908
LL65 4LU 0 53.384462 -4.5379
LL65 4LW 0 53.389878 -4.526727
LL65 4LY 0 53.392106 -4.536997
LL65 4NE 0 53.321874 -4.527771
LL65 4NF 0 53.326148 -4.522537
LL65 4NG 0 53.327253 -4.516204
LL65 4NH 0 53.334688 -4.528965
LL65 4NL 1 53.344848 -4.526411
LL65 4NN 0 53.352245 -4.528241
LL65 4NP 2 53.352149 -4.534471
LL65 4NR 0 53.35257 -4.535804
LL65 4NS 0 53.352139 -4.535784
LL65 4NT 0 53.352267 -4.536101
LL65 4NU 0 53.35258 -4.537908
LL65 4NW 1 53.356019 -4.530493