all postcodes in LL65 / HOLYHEAD

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
LL65 4NY053.35413-4.546581
LL65 4PA053.356993-4.558986
LL65 4PB053.350585-4.540364
LL65 4PD053.348682-4.541889
LL65 4PE053.340491-4.562098
LL65 4PF053.350278-4.563948
LL65 4PG053.351434-4.534684
LL65 4PH053.352821-4.534983
LL65 4PN053.270163-4.433274
LL65 4PP053.259095-4.420495
LL65 4PR053.259385-4.417727
LL65 4PS053.258873-4.414634
LL65 4PT053.258895-4.418414
LL65 4PU353.258944-4.417337
LL65 4PW253.259533-4.425473
LL65 4PY053.260972-4.419746
LL65 4RA053.264838-4.414431
LL65 4RB053.260463-4.415144
LL65 4RD053.2597-4.41726
LL65 4RE053.257898-4.414385