all postcodes in LL67 / CEMAES BAY

find any address or company within the LL67 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL67 0HB 0 53.415186 -4.455344
LL67 0HD 0 53.415537 -4.456599
LL67 0HE 0 53.414499 -4.456388
LL67 0HF 0 53.414936 -4.457894
LL67 0HG 0 53.415044 -4.456991
LL67 0HH 10 53.412218 -4.451893
LL67 0HJ 0 53.41546 -4.457286
LL67 0HL 3 53.41118 -4.452495
LL67 0HN 2 53.411874 -4.452881
LL67 0HP 0 53.41234 -4.452502
LL67 0HR 0 53.411481 -4.453175
LL67 0HS 0 53.412009 -4.455041
LL67 0HT 0 53.410831 -4.454612
LL67 0HU 1 53.410318 -4.45377
LL67 0HY 0 53.40974 -4.452999
LL67 0LA 0 53.408562 -4.455233
LL67 0LB 1 53.408034 -4.455113
LL67 0LD 0 53.408863 -4.45674
LL67 0LE 0 53.409138 -4.457795
LL67 0LF 0 53.410492 -4.455345