all postcodes in LL67 / CEMAES BAY

find any address or company within the LL67 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL67 0DA 2 53.408457 -4.465113
LL67 0DH 1 53.414721 -4.483023
LL67 0DN 0 53.405263 -4.473911
LL67 0DP 0 53.402169 -4.469615
LL67 0DR 0 53.403876 -4.473168
LL67 0DS 0 53.405075 -4.458658
LL67 0DT 1 53.40388 -4.475575
LL67 0DU 0 53.408352 -4.494809
LL67 0DW 1 53.404606 -4.473496
LL67 0DY 0 53.406475 -4.517825
LL67 0EA 0 53.400737 -4.507217
LL67 0ED 0 53.40374 -4.474078
LL67 0EP 0 53.413076 -4.451235
LL67 0ER 0 53.413512 -4.451922
LL67 0ES 1 53.413225 -4.450988
LL67 0ET 0 53.413671 -4.452939
LL67 0EU 0 53.413165 -4.452609
LL67 0EW 1 53.412887 -4.451239
LL67 0EY 0 53.413544 -4.453865
LL67 0HA 0 53.413883 -4.454878