all postcodes in LL73 / MARIANGLAS

find any address or company within the LL73 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL73 8NY 10 1 53.332486 -4.251249
LL73 8PA 15 0 53.335582 -4.24584
LL73 8PB 13 0 53.336037 -4.243175
LL73 8PD 1 0 53.33813 -4.242819
LL73 8PE 32 2 53.336855 -4.247018
LL73 8PF 14 0 53.333215 -4.246917
LL73 8PG 16 0 53.33444 -4.243962
LL73 8PH 20 4 53.338844 -4.254519
LL73 8PL 7 0 53.33632 -4.238158
LL73 8PN 7 1 53.340996 -4.234272
LL73 8PP 3 0 53.328741 -4.245345
LL73 8PW 8 0 53.331189 -4.245654