all postcodes in LL78 / BRYNTEG

find any address or company within the LL78 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL78 7JF 20 0 53.326034 -4.290735
LL78 7JG 9 1 53.324153 -4.259745
LL78 7JH 22 3 53.312429 -4.27063
LL78 7JJ 6 2 53.306558 -4.274921
LL78 7JL 2 0 53.300313 -4.281754
LL78 7JQ 2 0 53.322886 -4.262537
LL78 8JF 18 0 53.319059 -4.259551
LL78 8JG 19 0 53.317221 -4.263552
LL78 8JH 5 0 53.318723 -4.26114
LL78 8JJ 12 0 53.319333 -4.260262
LL78 8JL 18 0 53.31915 -4.262829
LL78 8JN 10 0 53.320365 -4.261316
LL78 8JP 6 0 53.319923 -4.259491
LL78 8JQ 4 2 53.318435 -4.260238
LL78 8JR 22 1 53.320037 -4.258227
LL78 8JS 7 0 53.32162 -4.252494
LL78 8JT 7 0 53.323874 -4.254099
LL78 8JW 4 0 53.31979 -4.260866
LL78 8JY 11 1 53.315904 -4.257147
LL78 8JZ 4 1 53.311066 -4.251973