all postcodes in LN1 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 1PE 2 1 53.232498 -0.547181
LN1 1PF 7 0 53.232616 -0.54764
LN1 1PG 27 0 53.232074 -0.54781
LN1 1PH 48 1 53.232148 -0.550204
LN1 1PJ 15 0 53.232092 -0.550776
LN1 1PL 15 0 53.232172 -0.551432
LN1 1PN 16 0 53.232751 -0.55324
LN1 1PP 80 0 53.233805 -0.555587
LN1 1PQ 14 0 53.231654 -0.548049
LN1 1PR 55 2 53.233798 -0.553595
LN1 1PT 25 2 53.23394 -0.554189
LN1 1PU 32 1 53.234313 -0.554116
LN1 1PW 6 0 53.233016 -0.55428
LN1 1PX 28 1 53.233569 -0.552464
LN1 1PY 8 0 53.233898 -0.552138
LN1 1PZ 41 0 53.233211 -0.551456
LN1 1QA 20 0 53.232607 -0.552436
LN1 1QD 23 0 53.233241 -0.552849
LN1 1QE 19 0 53.233054 -0.55296
LN1 1QF 21 1 53.23269 -0.55116