all postcodes in LN1 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 1QH 23 0 53.232196 -0.548195
LN1 1QJ 52 0 53.232432 -0.549474
LN1 1QS 44 3 53.234961 -0.55384
LN1 1QL 18 1 53.233133 -0.549152
LN1 1QN 16 0 53.232819 -0.549208
LN1 1QP 24 0 53.23313 -0.550709
LN1 1QQ 31 0 53.232066 -0.549383
LN1 1QR 22 0 53.234118 -0.551771
LN1 1QT 5 0 53.235571 -0.555541
LN1 1QU 3 0 53.231436 -0.54819
LN1 1QW 11 0 53.233691 -0.550677
LN1 1QX 1 1 53.229168 -0.54127
LN1 1QZ 29 0 53.233155 -0.549765
LN1 1RB 58 0 53.231045 -0.547768
LN1 1RD 3 2 53.229375 -0.549129
LN1 1RF 3 0 53.230576 -0.549523
LN1 1RG 4 0 53.235263 -0.550128
LN1 1RH 1 1 53.230461 -0.547788
LN1 1RJ 22 0 53.231133 -0.547302
LN1 1RN 14 3 53.230928 -0.548927