all postcodes in LN1 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2DF 12 0 53.328113 -0.675907
LN1 2DG 25 0 53.328487 -0.668915
LN1 2DH 13 0 53.326783 -0.673576
LN1 2DJ 14 0 53.326597 -0.674587
LN1 2DL 2 0 53.330386 -0.648283
LN1 2DN 2 0 53.32089 -0.648028
LN1 2DP 3 0 53.331086 -0.637402
LN1 2DQ 8 0 53.327821 -0.67476
LN1 2DR 7 0 53.315081 -0.630752
LN1 2DS 5 1 53.30584 -0.636061
LN1 2DT 12 0 53.312677 -0.66214
LN1 2DU 23 0 53.313202 -0.663294
LN1 2DW 11 0 53.337707 -0.637041
LN1 2DX 4 0 53.312531 -0.66276
LN1 2DY 13 0 53.313739 -0.660606
LN1 2DZ 8 0 53.313255 -0.661566
LN1 2EA 13 0 53.313875 -0.661547
LN1 2EB 5 0 53.297417 -0.725712
LN1 2ED 9 0 53.298336 -0.743691
LN1 2EE 26 2 53.300078 -0.744976