all postcodes in LN1 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2EF 6 0 53.300922 -0.573161
LN1 2EG 28 2 53.3056 -0.731922
LN1 2EH 15 3 53.292315 -0.743057
LN1 2EJ 15 2 53.289533 -0.746919
LN1 2EL 6 2 53.290231 -0.744904
LN1 2EN 9 1 53.282255 -0.736183
LN1 2EP 42 1 53.279391 -0.728828
LN1 2EQ 13 1 53.3018 -0.740318
LN1 2ER 21 0 53.278289 -0.7318
LN1 2ES 3 0 53.302419 -0.729465
LN1 2ET 16 0 53.293074 -0.738339
LN1 2EU 14 0 53.293149 -0.736851
LN1 2EW 33 0 53.280626 -0.731686
LN1 2EX 21 0 53.293587 -0.735848
LN1 2EY 27 0 53.292593 -0.741309
LN1 2NW 30 0 53.293446 -0.737758
LN1 2HF 26 0 53.292997 -0.741207
LN1 2EZ 24 0 53.293715 -0.735199
LN1 2FB 4 0 53.340226 -0.578638
LN1 2FD 3 0 53.275439 -0.662359