all postcodes in LN11 / LOUTH

find any address or company within the LN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN11 0UU 0 53.40378 -0.005442
LN11 0UA 0 53.42283 -0.033583
LN11 0UB 0 53.371007 0.002735
LN11 0UD 3 53.37765 -0.003536
LN11 0UF 0 53.375954 0.001676
LN11 0UG 0 53.405701 -0.022085
LN11 0UH 0 53.40551 -0.019822
LN11 0UJ 0 53.406167 -0.020796
LN11 0UL 0 53.408152 -0.020734
LN11 0UN 0 53.411598 -0.026307
LN11 0UP 0 53.412043 -0.013045
LN11 0UQ 0 53.405115 -0.02148
LN11 0UR 0 53.411797 -0.011191
LN11 0UT 1 53.3992 -0.015975
LN11 0UW 0 53.405329 -0.015377
LN11 0UX 0 53.403311 -0.057695
LN11 0WA 33 53.383151 -0.007775
LN11 0WB 10 53.384321 -0.008397
LN11 0WD 3 53.385515 -0.010539
LN11 0WH 0 53.37565 0.001557