all postcodes in LN11 / LOUTH

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN11 0FE 0 53.36976 -0.008565
LN11 0ZA 6 5 53.380513 -0.009717
LN11 0NW 45 1 53.36799 -0.006468
LN11 0GL 0 53.371031 -0.000193
LN11 0GR 0 53.371599 -0.000287
LN11 0GS 0 53.371684 -7.4E-5
LN11 0GW 3 0 53.37224 0.000119
LN11 0FR 8 0 53.37311 -0.013219
LN11 0UY 0 53.371183 0.002054
LN11 0GU 0 53.374849 0.003759
LN11 0WN 5 53.383479 -0.005324
LN11 0HW 11 0 53.368156 -0.001876
LN11 0DS 7 0 53.373224 0.009531
LN11 0GX 0 53.369931 0.001497
LN11 0UZ 6 6 53.381347 -0.010084
LN11 0US 0 53.373641 0.010377
LN11 0AF 37 0 53.376974 -0.00017
LN11 0AS 29 0 53.377555 -0.000549
LN11 0WP 8 53.384836 -0.007578
LN11 0FD 14 0 53.372933 0.010795