all postcodes in LN11 / LOUTH

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN11 0JZ 0 53.373811 0.000268
LN11 0LA 1 53.378872 -0.014244
LN11 0LB 0 53.370604 -0.000995
LN11 0LD 0 53.370847 -0.002714
LN11 0LE 0 53.370099 -0.001965
LN11 0LF 4 53.376567 -0.007556
LN11 0LH 1 53.367426 -0.007171
LN11 0LJ 1 53.367234 -0.007481
LN11 0LN 0 53.367672 -0.006303
LN11 0LP 0 53.368045 -0.006122
LN11 0LQ 20 53.378634 -0.004425
LN11 0LR 0 53.367835 -0.005966
LN11 0LT 6 53.367898 -0.004203
LN11 0LU 1 53.368344 -0.005176
LN11 0LW 0 53.367885 -0.006264
LN11 0LY 5 53.367927 -0.002698
LN11 0LZ 0 53.367984 -0.005582
LN11 0NA 0 53.368148 0.000183
LN11 0NB 1 53.368503 0.000874
LN11 0ND 0 53.36853 0.002065