all postcodes in LN11 / LOUTH

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN11 8DJ 2 53.368802 0.006767
LN11 8DL 0 53.367935 0.007012
LN11 8DN 0 53.366864 0.009742
LN11 8DP 0 53.366461 0.013376
LN11 8DQ 1 53.367734 0.008806
LN11 8DR 0 53.366028 0.012935
LN11 8DS 0 53.364819 0.013734
LN11 8DT 0 53.365582 0.012611
LN11 8DU 4 53.364384 0.012887
LN11 8DW 0 53.366772 0.01306
LN11 8DX 1 53.366845 0.010854
LN11 8DY 0 53.367034 0.009224
LN11 8EB 2 53.363647 0.092237
LN11 8ED 0 53.358104 0.00939
LN11 8EE 0 53.356828 0.006564
LN11 8EF 0 53.359583 0.005928
LN11 8EG 1 53.357936 0.007669
LN11 8EH 1 53.358348 0.00826
LN11 8EJ 0 53.358406 0.008952
LN11 8EL 0 53.355576 0.008956