all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 3JE 0 53.302938 -0.484492
LN2 3JF 0 53.304335 -0.481231
LN2 3JG 0 53.304801 -0.485371
LN2 3JH 1 53.306584 -0.484843
LN2 3JJ 2 53.306229 -0.486253
LN2 3JN 1 53.306084 -0.490114
LN2 3JP 0 53.304709 -0.487326
LN2 3JQ 1 53.305573 -0.485224
LN2 3JR 0 53.307862 -0.48924
LN2 3JS 0 53.309522 -0.491465
LN2 3JT 0 53.309804 -0.490673
LN2 3JU 0 53.30742 -0.488445
LN2 3JW 0 53.305304 -0.486719
LN2 3JX 0 53.306982 -0.487936
LN2 3JY 0 53.307643 -0.487567
LN2 3JZ 0 53.306819 -0.487086
LN2 3LA 1 53.306788 -0.486081
LN2 3LB 0 53.307367 -0.485671
LN2 3LD 0 53.307694 -0.485929
LN2 3LE 0 53.307811 -0.486631