all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
LN2 3LF053.308204-0.485026
LN2 3LG053.308391-0.485619
LN2 3LH053.308517-0.48491
LN2 3LJ053.303524-0.479684
LN2 3LL053.310533-0.491428
LN2 3LN053.307885-0.483281
LN2 3LP053.309495-0.481918
LN2 3LQ053.309104-0.485114
LN2 3LR053.304723-0.484834
LN2 3LS053.305964-0.484522
LN2 3LT053.305723-0.482922
LN2 3LU453.306881-0.48135
LN2 3LW053.306486-0.485672
LN2 3LX053.306386-0.479222
LN2 3LY053.309283-0.47756
LN2 3LZ153.307275-0.475588
LN2 3NA053.308068-0.470862
LN2 3NB053.306926-0.470138
LN2 3ND053.30825-0.466803
LN2 3NE153.303305-0.468423