all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 4BD 1 1 53.235411 -0.517999
LN2 4BF 23 0 53.234943 -0.53138
LN2 4BH 19 1 53.23911 -0.526263
LN2 4BJ 12 0 53.23884 -0.526616
LN2 4BL 17 0 53.239267 -0.529179
LN2 4BN 16 0 53.240005 -0.529258
LN2 4BQ 10 0 53.24043 -0.527985
LN2 4BS 13 0 53.238261 -0.527026
LN2 4BT 21 0 53.244329 -0.5234
LN2 4BU 9 0 53.243169 -0.521912
LN2 4BW 2 0 53.239356 -0.530226
LN2 4BX 32 0 53.243482 -0.521062
LN2 4BY 34 1 53.242652 -0.520101
LN2 4BZ 4 0 53.242166 -0.520792
LN2 4DA 17 0 53.240911 -0.519652
LN2 4DB 16 0 53.241116 -0.518761
LN2 4DD 19 0 53.240727 -0.520033
LN2 4DE 25 0 53.242531 -0.521979
LN2 4DF 19 0 53.244091 -0.523813
LN2 4DG 5 0 53.245345 -0.52419