all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 4DH 19 3 53.248825 -0.520249
LN2 4DL 1 1 53.236012 -0.513138
LN2 4DN 2 0 53.245602 -0.524946
LN2 4DQ 18 0 53.246445 -0.522938
LN2 4DR 7 6 53.23851 -0.511974
LN2 4DS 1 1 53.251326 -0.520806
LN2 4DT 25 1 53.252198 -0.52292
LN2 4DW 1 1 53.250202 -0.52005
LN2 4DX 28 0 53.242378 -0.52633
LN2 4DY 24 0 53.242313 -0.524654
LN2 4DZ 34 0 53.243119 -0.525165
LN2 4EA 37 0 53.24382 -0.524422
LN2 4EB 46 0 53.242148 -0.522996
LN2 4ED 6 0 53.243286 -0.523391
LN2 4EE 27 0 53.243971 -0.521359
LN2 4EF 29 0 53.244487 -0.522421
LN2 4EG 42 0 53.245187 -0.521557
LN2 4EH 2 0 53.243001 -0.518936
LN2 4EJ 25 0 53.24208 -0.517498
LN2 4EL 22 3 53.2452 -0.519714