all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 4QL 14 0 53.24595 -0.510277
LN2 4QN 41 1 53.246608 -0.508965
LN2 4QP 43 2 53.243816 -0.50638
LN2 4QQ 1 1 53.240043 -0.515651
LN2 4QR 12 0 53.24547 -0.501331
LN2 4RX 60 0 53.246344 -0.50295
LN2 4QS 32 0 53.244563 -0.505709
LN2 4QT 24 1 53.245712 -0.501982
LN2 4QU 26 0 53.24685 -0.498121
LN2 4QX 62 1 53.244734 -0.49791
LN2 4QY 36 3 53.251185 -0.48265
LN2 4QZ 16 1 53.25335 -0.475932
LN2 4RA 10 1 53.252107 -0.481372
LN2 4RB 37 0 53.250643 -0.480075
LN2 4RD 27 0 53.250126 -0.47756
LN2 4RE 36 0 53.250839 -0.480593
LN2 4RF 71 0 53.246235 -0.497168
LN2 4RG 52 0 53.245607 -0.49551
LN2 4RL 25 0 53.248393 -0.508649
LN2 4RN 25 0 53.246559 -0.510795