all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 4PE 21 1 53.237114 -0.529958
LN2 4PF 3 0 53.237391 -0.527235
LN2 4PG 6 0 53.238133 -0.524677
LN2 4PH 31 0 53.238552 -0.522221
LN2 4PJ 30 0 53.239129 -0.524568
LN2 4PL 5 1 53.238532 -0.523555
LN2 4PN 1 1 53.239546 -0.521603
LN2 4PP 14 0 53.2406 -0.520681
LN2 4PQ 4 0 53.237179 -0.526074
LN2 4PR 8 0 53.23978 -0.519796
LN2 4PS 9 0 53.240169 -0.518523
LN2 4PT 8 0 53.239503 -0.519221
LN2 4PW 29 0 53.240455 -0.521256
LN2 4PX 18 12 53.24113 -0.514115
LN2 4PY 26 0 53.240897 -0.516325
LN2 4PZ 33 0 53.242036 -0.51287
LN2 4QD 5 5 53.241725 -0.511382
LN2 4QE 15 0 53.243013 -0.509779
LN2 4QH 45 0 53.24542 -0.507448
LN2 4QJ 18 0 53.24509 -0.510156