all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 5JT 5 1 53.230557 -0.521222
LN2 5JX 8 0 53.230378 -0.518787
LN2 5JY 12 2 53.230362 -0.518218
LN2 5JZ 7 0 53.230252 -0.517368
LN2 5LA 11 0 53.230209 -0.516785
LN2 5LB 10 0 53.230209 -0.516066
LN2 5LD 6 0 53.230236 -0.515316
LN2 5LE 2 0 53.230322 -0.51428
LN2 5LF 7 0 53.230332 -0.513695
LN2 5LG 2 0 53.230379 -0.513154
LN2 5LN 22 9 53.230188 -0.509639
LN2 5LP 65 0 53.229955 -0.525289
LN2 5LR 65 0 53.229963 -0.524495
LN2 5LS 56 0 53.22996 -0.523835
LN2 5LT 51 0 53.230001 -0.523175
LN2 5LU 56 0 53.229911 -0.522474
LN2 5LX 24 0 53.231602 -0.522145
LN2 5LY 11 0 53.232536 -0.521394
LN2 5LZ 45 0 53.231412 -0.521313
LN2 5NA 43 0 53.230036 -0.52172