all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 1LA 253 2 53.230765 -0.537351
LN2 1LD 9 1 53.230749 -0.537966
LN2 1LF 12 0 53.231187 -0.538804
LN2 1LP 6 1 53.232145 -0.537798
LN2 1LR 14 5 53.232494 -0.53834
LN2 1LS 4 2 53.232327 -0.538646
LN2 1LT 15 6 53.233067 -0.538577
LN2 1LU 29 18 53.233958 -0.538696
LN2 1LW 2 2 53.231392 -0.539068
LN2 1LY 7 1 53.233635 -0.538272
LN2 1LZ 3 0 53.232899 -0.537667
LN2 1NA 3 0 53.23258 -0.538008
LN2 1NB 7 0 53.232639 -0.537706
LN2 1ND 12 0 53.232589 -0.537288
LN2 1NN 8 6 53.231236 -0.536646
LN2 1NP 3 0 53.232042 -0.535195
LN2 1NR 1 0 53.232082 -0.534819
LN2 1NS 19 0 53.232593 -0.532959
LN2 1NT 1 1 53.233238 -0.532352
LN2 1PF 1 1 53.232511 -0.534609