all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 1PG 13 0 53.232 -0.538372
LN2 1PH 7 1 53.233625 -0.533118
LN2 1PJ 18 0 53.23433 -0.534128
LN2 1PL 2 1 53.23506 -0.533939
LN2 1PN 1 1 53.235719 -0.535234
LN2 1PP 9 1 53.233317 -0.534792
LN2 1PR 3 0 53.232827 -0.534029
LN2 1PS 19 0 53.232501 -0.533786
LN2 1PT 8 0 53.233372 -0.535149
LN2 1PU 3 3 53.23323 -0.536518
LN2 1PW 9 0 53.23373 -0.534313
LN2 1PX 10 3 53.233933 -0.537647
LN2 1PY 9 0 53.234731 -0.5375
LN2 1PZ 7 4 53.234324 -0.538053
LN2 1QA 17 5 53.23505 -0.537879
LN2 1QD 1 1 53.235231 -0.537273
LN2 1QE 12 0 53.235984 -0.537068
LN2 1QF 4 0 53.236357 -0.537071
LN2 1QG 6 1 53.235313 -0.536596
LN2 1QH 11 0 53.237011 -0.536478