all postcodes in LN3 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN3 4BP 0 53.235863 -0.451995
LN3 4HA 0 53.2441 -0.473818
LN3 4JA 15 0 53.244009 -0.454938
LN3 4DD 0 53.252711 -0.443817
LN3 4GH 0 53.245949 -0.455483
LN3 4HX 0 53.234221 -0.427572
LN3 4PL 12 53.23051 -0.502407
LN3 4BU 4 0 53.239033 -0.461456
LN3 4BX 5 0 53.240316 -0.457139
LN3 4RH 34 0 53.230255 -0.508558
LN3 4RJ 48 0 53.230896 -0.506994
LN3 4RP 43 0 53.230607 -0.50618
LN3 4BF 0 53.250299 -0.447742
LN3 4LF 3 0 53.243577 -0.475095
LN3 4DF 4 0 53.235964 -0.42544
LN3 4EW 4 0 53.235532 -0.465372
LN3 4EQ 5 0 53.235797 -0.465018
LN3 4FG 47 0 53.242096 -0.457794
LN3 4FQ 0 53.236167 -0.465814
LN3 4FP 0 53.236892 -0.466613