all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN4 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 2DS 2 53.182717 -0.424039
LN4 2DT 1 53.183337 -0.423358
LN4 2DU 0 53.181924 -0.418813
LN4 2DW 0 53.182065 -0.42303
LN4 2DX 3 53.18302 -0.426527
LN4 2DZ 1 53.186445 -0.421073
LN4 2EA 0 53.186278 -0.420017
LN4 2EB 0 53.179012 -0.424653
LN4 2ED 0 53.179055 -0.426522
LN4 2EF 0 53.151966 -0.408057
LN4 2EG 0 53.151562 -0.408775
LN4 2EH 1 53.154599 -0.411369
LN4 2EJ 0 53.154055 -0.41203
LN4 2EL 0 53.153137 -0.412964
LN4 2EX 1 53.151602 -0.413813
LN4 2EN 0 53.152502 -0.411821
LN4 2EP 0 53.154817 -0.408789
LN4 2EQ 0 53.177939 -0.426443
LN4 2EW 2 53.153774 -0.409516
LN4 2ER 0 53.154669 -0.407822