all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN4 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 2ES 0 53.152792 -0.408308
LN4 2ET 1 53.151316 -0.409203
LN4 2EU 0 53.150103 -0.407259
LN4 2EY 0 53.149786 -0.423271
LN4 2EZ 0 53.150294 -0.422265
LN4 2FD 0 53.186453 -0.423064
LN4 2FE 0 53.198918 -0.529647
LN4 2FP 0 53.214295 -0.524883
LN4 2HA 1 53.155225 -0.419871
LN4 2HB 0 53.153819 -0.404773
LN4 2HD 1 53.15552 -0.396888
LN4 2HE 0 53.153091 -0.406176
LN4 2HJ 0 53.15344 -0.411367
LN4 2HL 1 53.199079 -0.540555
LN4 2HN 1 53.199729 -0.540758
LN4 2HP 0 53.188475 -0.516833
LN4 2HR 1 53.148465 -0.494871
LN4 2HS 0 53.173566 -0.490012
LN4 2HT 0 53.173478 -0.495836
LN4 2HU 1 53.169669 -0.483297