all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN4 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 2UP 0 53.187238 -0.532382
LN4 2UQ 0 53.188355 -0.533286
LN4 2WX 0 53.224065 -0.545233
LN4 2BF 25 0 53.167602 -0.415676
LN4 2UR 10 0 53.188091 -0.532263
LN4 2NY 4 0 53.215393 -0.522104
LN4 2NZ 0 53.191686 -0.535837
LN4 2JG 6 0 53.197878 -0.537183
LN4 2BE 31 0 53.168353 -0.4133
LN4 2BQ 6 0 53.167268 -0.41352
LN4 2DJ 12 0 53.168769 -0.413509
LN4 2FG 6 0 53.186357 -0.417874
LN4 2FH 0 53.162761 -0.41397
LN4 2HF 1 0 53.162595 -0.394889
LN4 2FA 0 53.169078 -0.411059
LN4 2FJ 3 0 53.19088 -0.536792
LN4 2FN 0 53.159249 -0.425721
LN4 2FS 0 53.196962 -0.530342
LN4 2FU 5 0 53.198111 -0.530887
LN4 2FT 9 0 53.197847 -0.530671